
Epilepsy Infographic about Epilepsy. What do we even know about this illness? And is taking pills always the best option?


Autumn Personal works featured in the Illustrated Pocket Calendar.

Illustrated Pocket Calendar

The Illustrated Pocket Calendar The anual project of tapir&klotz collective, a beautifully designed calendar, every page illustrated by an exceptional artist, since 2012.


Micklemas Various printed goods for an exclusive children’s boutique in Hamburg, 2013-2014.


LUKS Magazin # Third issue of the illustrated student’s magazine of the HAW Hamburg, Layout & design as a team.Cover: Christoph Kleinstück.Printed: 1200 copies. Unopened pages as in japanese binding, cover refined with screen printed varnish (black on black) and laser engraving. Prizes won:Joseph Binder Award 2016: BronzeEuropean Design Awards 2015: SilverMFG Award 2014: Bronze